Relaxation & (Meaningful) Retail Therapy

Today I decided I would try the salt water floatation chamber place next door to the hotel.  I’ve seen friends do it on the internet, but I’d never done it in the United States.  It was an hour of relaxation.  You get a private room and have to shower before and after getting into the chamber.  There are lights inside that glow according to Chakra colors.  There is also meditative music that plays.  You can cut all of them off and just lay in a dark, quiet cocoon.  I’m not gonna lie, I really enjoyed it.  There were times where I floated and had no idea I was moving until my head smacked against the edge of the chamber.  I would do it again in the states.

After my morning relaxation, I spent some time picking up last minute gifts on Long St. Then, the CROWN JEWEL of purchases made on my trip happened.  I went to a used book shop on Long St. and asked for House of Bondage and THEY HAD IT! A vintage library bound version at that! Dr. Clarke called it a collector’s item, that made me even more excited!



It cost me a small fortune but I’m sooooooo excited to finally own this seminal work! My luck kept up as Bridgette and I were heading back to the hotel to get dressed and we passed by Frank & Myrrh an oils and fragrance shop we’d passed everyday of our time in Cape Town.  It was closed literally every single time we passed it, except this day!  I went inside and spoke with the shop owner.  Bridgette and I smelled oils and tried things on.  I was invested in buying something from these very knowledgeable Muslim women.  I told her what kinds of scents I liked and we went back and forth creating a potion that I now LOOOOOOOOOVE.  We made arrangements for me to order from her over WhatsApp in the future.  Her husband was born in Brooklyn!

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